Wednesday, October 31, 2012

An Empty Mailbox

Yesterday, I went to the post office to check my P.O. Box and when I looked inside it was empty.
 Imagine my disappointment.
I did however, mail a postcard to a member of Postcrossing who lives in the Netherlands.
My day brightened a little when I checked my mail in my regular mailbox.
Inside, there were two cards.
One from my oldest and dearest friend Cari, whom I've known since I was 4 years old.
She sent me a belated birthday card.
My birthday was over a month ago, so this is definitely belated.
But, better late than never and I was thrilled to get this in my mail because she doesn't do snail mail.
A card from my nephew and his wife.
Enclosed was a picture of our great niece Lauren.
She started kindergarden this year so I am quite sure this is her school picture.
It turned out to be a good mail day afterall!
I wonder what today's mail will bring me.

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